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Cats & small animals
Cat bodysuit | recovery suit + wound protection specially developed for cats | VetMedCare®
Coat care glove & Grooming Glove | glove like a dog brush for grooming dog, cat, horse and short-haired small animals | VetMedCare®
Dog bodysuit / vest without legs – protective dog pet shirt / coat / jacket | especially for the male dog | VetMedCare®
Dog bodysuit | pet shirt with legs + zipper | dog full body medical pet coat / jacket / recovery vest | VetMedCare®
Dog bodysuit with legs | full body sweater / coat / jacket / hoodie – special for the male dog | VetMedCare®
Dog bodysuit with legs | full body vest / coat / jacket / hoodie – especially for the female dog | VetMedCare®
Dog suit / vest without legs | protective dog pet shirt / coat / jacket – especially for the female dog | VetMedCare®
Dog system bodysuit with legs + zip + additional function bag | Dog body – full body body with 4 legs | VetMedCare®
Eye spacer for horse head mask – Woodcast material | VetMedCare®
HEY SPORT LIGHTFLEX | reflector safety spray | more safety in the dark
Horse Sleazy, Stretch Rug, Hood Protection Bonnet – fly, mosquito, insect protection of head, ears and neck – with forehead fringes | VetMedCare®
Horse wound protection / leg protection for the horse legs – foreleg | left and right fitting | VetMedCare®